
Start it again

I have restarted this blog more times than I can remember. I keep changing its format to the point that anything prior seems completely irrelevant to how I want to continue this thing. Is it a design blog? Do I post my work here? Do I complain about the mundane happenings of my life? The choices are seemingly ENDLESS. Well for now, it will be whatever I feel like. I have set forth no rules, which one would hope I can maintain for a period of time longer than a year.

This blog is linked to my website mikeyion.com - which at its current state, is mostly done. I don't have all the work up yet, but I'm in no rush. There's stuff there now if you want to look. Exciting things perhaps? Certainly things I haven't posted ANYWHERE before (I say that as if that's of any importance to anyone aside from myself).

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