
Hipster memory game makes me angry at life

I don't even know who the Street Style memory game is supposed to appeal to. People call me a hipster and I would never play this shit. I can ironically play it, but it wouldn't even be as gratifying as ironically playing Hungry Hungry Hippos. At least that shit is FUN. This, well this make me hate myself for being far to similar to these people. I can pretty much narrow down all these outfits to have either been bought from Urban, American Apparel, or a hobo's shopping cart. Fuck.

Buy this shit.

I have business cards. They're not ugly.

Due to the kindness of Anna Hurley, I now have Hello! Lucky printed business cards. Letterpressed wonderfulness. I am so grateful in fact, that I've avoided making any snarky comments. Yes, THAT GRATEFUL.

We work hard, we play hard.


A curious bird. So very curious.

Robin sent me this picture a few days ago of a bird sitting outside her boss' window over at Engine Company 1. It's likely wondering what all these silly humans are doing awkwardly hunched in front of little TV screens coming up with witty ways to sell pizza.

I am a yuppie and I love these lamps

These jar lamps created by noon studio are wonderfully modern and would look great in my apartment. Rotating their lids controls the light intensity. Genius!


Remember when Mortal Kombat was good?

To complete the tri-fecta of video game related post today, I present you the only reason Mortal Kombat was relevant. A video collection of every Fatality, Animality, Friendship, and Babality in the game. I remember using the same code in the beginning of this vid to watch this on my Sega Genesis.

Also, how did people even learn how to these Fatalities in the first place? It's not like the game ever told you how.

Intesne iPhone game gets intense soundtrack

I am currently listening to the AWESOME Canabalt soundtrack by Danny Baranowsky. I especially love the "Daring Escape" theme, which sounds like it would fit right in with a Final Fantasy score.

Nerds catalog every game console, remains virgins whilst doing so

Today's sarcastic headline was inspired by ONTD.

Anna found a site that has gone through the trouble of cataloging every console ever made. Strangely, I can't find any reference to the slimmer PS2. Luckily, they didn't miss the one that REALLY matters.


Goddess Gaga makes old story interesting

Via my Facebook Feed

Look what some girl from Jersey made!

After toiling away in a deep, dark animation studio, friend of crabs and other adorable sea creatures Kristen Chiappone, has helped unleash TEAM UMIZOOMI upon unsuspecting preschoolers on Nick Jr. She assures me it's good and surely one day I'll watch it if I'm ever home at 10:30 AM PST on a weekday.

Let us fistpump into the atmosphere celebrate!

Pokemon is art. Tell me something I don't know.

Here is Pikachu and the crew rendered as Traditional Japanese art. This likely dates back to the days of Samurais and Geishas. Back then, they were still playing Pokemon on Gameboy Color... cause you know, it's old.

Via Kotaku


Drawings teach me things about food and poo

Look at these creepy, cute, awesome drawings Robin found! I like the one about poo, naturally.

Erasers that I woudn't use cause they are too cute

Anna Hurley, if you keep sending me these cute things from the internet, I'll have to keep posting them. Good grief. Look at these fucking things! What am I even supposed to do here? Oh right, look at them and think about how I would like to adorn everything in my life with 2 dot eyes and a happy face. Thanks?

Handmade Erasers Happy Little Beans

Icons are fun and exciting

I am a fan of icons which is why I really dig this set called Iconic. Its free for use - in both raster and vector formats.


Like us, celebrities tweet dumb things

Odessa Begay draws pictures based on celebrity tweets. So, unlike us, celebrities get their inane ramblings turned into art. *shakes fist*

See more at Museum of Modern Tweets.


Food is crap

Funny ad for NYC deli called "The Pump". Pretty much makes fun of all the reasons why we're fat.

Mini Daddy is awesome and I wish I was him

Look at all the fine ladies he got! Video of 2010.

I made a stupid graphic today

Making dumb things in Photoshop is a gift of mine. This particular dumb thing was made for Infectious' Netbook launch today. Bow before our mighty laser cat overlords!

I hesitantly tagged this as "design". Opps?


Diesel dumber than ever. Gets stupid.

I absolutely worshipped Diesel's advertising as a graphic design student. A lot of it was just so strange. They always ran with these crazy, outlandish concepts that were often times beautifully photographed featuring attractive people in various stages of undress. "Awesome!" the early 20's version of me exclaimed. But then, as the years went by, something happened. Diesel got less creative and kind of stale and I basically stopped caring.

Which brings us to their latest "Be Stupid" campaign. Love it. Reminds me of those old ads: Whimsical, sexy, and fun.

See the entire campaign over at I Believe in Advertising.

I enjoy maps of places I've never been

One day I'll have the opportunity to travel the world and when I visit Berlin, I shall use this very attractive map done by nomono. If I actually get lost, I'll probably just use my iPhone.


Insert bad "horny girl" joke here

This came through the Infectious voting gallery today. Really nice piece by San Francisco artist, Charmaine Olivia. I met her briefly at Sketch Tuesdays at 111 Minna back in October 2009 (I even bought one of her pieces, which I swear I'll get around to putting up one day).

I also really dig this piece she did. Obviously a reference to Dinosaur Comics.

Ohkay, this is actually crazy

This popped up on my Facebook feed today. Yes, this a tornado in Huntington Beach. Yes, in Southern California. Yes, at the beach. Apparently I moved away from Orange County not cause I hated living there, but as a survival instinct.

I guess this proves that it's okay for you to complain about the rain, California.

California, this is what everyone thinks about us

Can we stop talking about rain now? There's people actually FROZEN in New York probably.

Via Gawker


Totoro brings the cute as needle & thread

More cute things today! Totoro and friend here found by Anna Hurley, crocheted to perfection LucyRavenscar. Don't let their small circular eyes lure you in... must give Totoro... my... wallet.

French bulldogs are sophisticated

I love finding awesome things while randomly digging through Google Image search. Such as this piece by Gemma Correl.

Video of the Late Night wars hilariously Asian

Via Gawker


Dogs are awesome

Look at him! He looks like he has a mustache! Silly puppy! Thanks babe!

Lost action figures they should be making

Just finished watching Season 5 of Lost last night. That means soak up everything lost related as soon as possible (IMDB & Wikipedia "ENGAGE!")! That lead me to find these awesome little guys. One-of-a-kind sculptures of Locke and Hurley from The LOST Underground Art Show by Wade Schin

Sorry this post wasn't sarcastic.

New Polaroids make my fav iPhone app obsolete

Polaroids have risen from the dead to return anew. No longer will Polaroid photography be dominated by nostalgic hipsters. They will once again be available to all, even *gasp*... normal, perhaps even unattractive people! FOR SHAME!
Supported by a strategic relationship with Summit Global Group, a longtime Polaroid partner, and The Impossible Project, the manufacturer of classic film for Polaroid film cameras, Polaroid will offer a completely redesigned, modern version of the Polaroid OneStep camera, the PIC 1000. The PIC 1000 will be available in a range of fun colors and use classic Polaroid Color 600 Instant Film to produce the brand’s classic white border instant pictures. The Polaroid Color 600 Instant Film will work with both classic and new Polaroid cameras and will be offered in packs of 10 pictures. The new classic PIC 1000 camera and instant color film will be available at national retailers in 2010. -Polaroid Press Release
via Photography Bay


Zooey's bangs are mathematically correct

Here is photographic evidence. Thanks to math, we now have a proper understanding of Zooey Dechanel's appeal. If it was like, 60% bangs, she'd be in the same league as Kelly Osbourne or something. And to be clear, no one likes Kelly Osbourne (this song is kinda good though).

via ONTD


Infectious Off the Wall Design Challenge

Infectious has just launched their Off the Wall - Wall Decal Design Challenge (longest name ever). Go submit a design and get your art made into vinyl to adorn your dinky apartment with.


I am so confused

This video that chronicles the adventures of Design Girl & Kerning Boy is seriously boggling my mind right now. Is it so bad, it's good? Is it so bad, it's bad? How can I too, harness the power of Lorem Ipsum? Are all graphic designers Asian? SO MANY QUESTIONS!

Marc Javier is still looking for his CMYKape.

Speaking of the internet being awesome

The internet doesn't like Jay Leno

Understandably, the internet has reacted quite negatively to NBC's plans for Conan O'Brien. He's put his foot down and the internet has rallied behind him. So lesson learned here: people who are intelligent enough to work a computer hate Jay Leno. People who think typos in newspapers are funny - to the left plz.

Full version of above image here. Via the internet.


San Francisco minus the hobos & pee smell

The San Francisco skyline created in Jell-O by Liz Hickok. Via @infectiousart

Like me, New Yorkers hate pants

Improv Everywhere's annual No Pants Subway Ride via Gawker. Apparently the SF version happened yesterday on BART. Too bad I didn't partake cause I totally have great legs. YOUR LOST SAN FRANCISCO!


Truffles too cute to eat

Well, I'd eat them... But feel kinda bad afterwards. Via Kotaku (again).


Japanese people are better at costumes

Bayonetta group cosplay shot via Kotaku

The Simpsons quote everyone likes

I haven't watched the Simpsons in a long time. The movie was kinda meh for me. But this. This clip is pure magic - forever.

My eyes.


Infectious site down illustrations

Some illustrations I did today for when the Infectious site goes down. I actually like the first one of Homie the Bear looking real sad.

Dear Anna Hurley

Stop drawing wonderful cute things. Just stop. UGGGGHHH. Start drawing guns and zombies or something!

UPDATE: Look how small those things in the drawing are! Look at all that white space! UGGHHH. Bigger = better.

Sarcastic graphic I made last night

Jordan, if you're reading this, you've officially ruined your Christmas surprise cause this is your present that shall be given to you in some physical form in the near future. I figured spoiling it would be ok considering how Christmas was nearly 2 weeks ago.

I could really go for one of these right now

No joke. Reese's Big Cups are way better than regular cups. Look at all that peanut butter in there! It's like BURSTING at the seams.

At some point Reese's attempted to market an inside out cup (peanut butter on the outside, chocolate on the inside). In theory, SOUNDS GREAT... In execution, terrible. It had more chocolate than peanut butter. Dare I say, it's offering of peanut butter was FLIMSY at best. Awful.

Sidenote - Google image search led me to the discovery of this shoe:
