
New Superbowl logo is better than actual Superbowl

Okay, so I'm pretty sure everyone who actually LIKES football would disagree with me, but yeah, I'm totally more excited about this logo than the actual game. The type here just looks SO powerful. Big, bold and in your face! JUST LIKE FOOTBALL & BEER! SPORTS! Perfect for a game involving large, muscular men, tackling each other on a grass field.

Anyways, yeah, I also like how the logo is flat, but still achieves dimensionally. The shadow underneath is a bit awkward, but I don't mind it enough to really care.

PS: Me and Robin are totally cheering for the Saints. GO SAINTS! You suck other team that is playing!

via Brand New

1 comment:

The Logo Maker said...

Visually, what are you trying to say, and does it reflect the essence of your brand and your company’s character. Some thoughtful design early on will save many headaches and avoid many pitfalls later.